Wednesday 9 January 2013

Getting back on track for 2013

I am not one that usually makes New Year's resolutions but this year I decided I needed to do something to help myself get back on track after falling off the fitness track when Nixon was born. So I resolved to:

1. Write more on my blog (doing that :) )
2. Do the Femsport Competition
3. Do the Mud Hero Competition
4. At minimum, commit to getting my body back to where I was proud of it last May, but ideally build more muscle mass ;)

Today, I took the first step in fulfilling the first resolution, I registered for the first Femsport camp (!femsport) and I am SUPER excited!!

2013 started a bit bumpy for me as I decided to take my measurements and I am actually bigger in areas than I was last January. That hit me pretty hard as I did not realise how far away from my competition body I had gotten. However, registering for this camp has renewed my enthusiasm for fitness and I am ready to commit once again.

I am also very excited as hubby has decided to join the gym and we will be working out together at least twice a week, YAY!

So here is to an awesome, fitness filled 2013!!!!

C U SOON!!!!

Commit to Self, Commit to Health